Product Updates

New for brands: Keep track of who needs orders and who has sent feedback

Our new Recent Activity dashboard makes it simple to spot which athletes need samples

June 18, 2024

We hear you – there are so many athletes to keep track of! The new "Recent Activity" section should help.

Our new Recent Activity dashboard is one of those little things that's sure to brighten your day.

This update makes it easy to track when a student-athlete has opted-in and is waiting for product.

What's new ...

A dashboard with a recent activity section. It shows who needs orders, and makes it easy to see their addresses.

From the dashboard, you can now easily open up an athlete's address and copy/paste it into order forms, line by line.

Once you're done, you can return to the dashboard to mark the orders sent.

We'll email the athletes to let them know samples are on the way.

Once athletes have received their orders and left feedback, their statuses will change again so you know who has shared their thoughts and who is still waiting on samples.

What to expect next

We're packing more and more utility into the brand dashboard all the time. For instance, soon you'll be able to view who has sent you new feedback. We're also building tools to help you send orders in bulk and automate more processes.

If you have any other ideas that could make your day a little brighter, let me know –

MARKETPRYCE MAKES it easy for brands and student-athletes to form authentic partnerships. Get started today.